Lock User Account

Lock User Account plugin provides functionality to lock WordPress registered user accounts in very smart way.

It has very quick controls to manage user account.

Install and activate plugin, go to Users page, select users you want to lock/unlock and then select the action from Bulk Actions drop down.
It has feature to add custom lock message to show on login screen for locked account. You can add your custom locked account message by going Settings and then click on General, there you can enter the message in field has label as Locked User Message.



Click this here to dowload.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/lock-user-account directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->General screen to enter custom locked message

If you want to help and if you can do so please make a donation to the project and encourage others to do so.

You can make a donation with Buymeacoffee at this page.



Fixed a logical issue with Lock/Unlock users


Updated for WP 5.8
Added security patch


Updated for WP 5.8
Prevented current user from being locked


Improved code to save settings


Update banners


The first release